Executive Coach & Culture Improvement Strategist
Helping Businesses
Unlock The Full Potential
Of Their Team.
Executive Coach & Culture Improvement Strategist
Helping Businesses
Unlock The Full Potential
Of Their Team.
Improve Morale
Improve Job Satisfaction
Increase Team Engagement
Expand Creativity
Retain Talent
Increase Profits
By Providing
Human Support for Human Problems
To Help You
Reframe deadlocks to find new choices.
Reveal hidden barriers that block progress.
Rethink complex relationships and achieve clarity.
Resolve dilemmas to uncover new options.
“Lidia Young transformed me. She changed my measurement of success.
My three brothers and I genuinely collaborate and we have created a culture where there is virtually no turnover.
This cultural shift would not have been possible if Lidia had not helped me learn how to change my leadership style.”
Working with Lidia Young helped me to become a more effective leader. Through her coaching, Lidia enhanced my capacity to think strategically and to look at the big picture in profound ways. I also learned the importance of being more purposeful in what I do and how I do it. My ability to truly listen and respond authentically expanded. Thanks to our discussions, I now consider every interaction and engagement as an opportunity to learn, connect, and improve relationships, performance, and culture. Lidia improved the quality of my leadership and my life.
Unleash Your Leadership Super Powers
Create leaders other people want to follow
- Studies show that a robust company culture can increase profits by 300%.
- Leaders in the organization create the culture.
- Disengaged employees cost American business over $3 Billion a year.
- Leaders who are respected role models inspire employees to achieve great results.
- Company culture is the key to employee engagement and long-term profitability.
- Invest in your leaders’ skills to improve employee results and your company culture to increase profits.
The leader is truly and ultimately responsible for everything.
Identify opportunities for growth and excellence
Create Customized Plan
To address concerns and provide solutions
Build Leadership Skills
Vision, Communication, Passion, Action Orientation, etc. to inspire employees to accomplish goals faster and more effectively
Improve Collaboration
To increase employee engagement and innovation
Accountability Processes
To keep employees on track to achieve company goals
Measure Results
To track key metrics and celebrate successes
Unlock the talents, gifts and brilliance of your executives and employees so they can achieve profitability and success for the company.
Unlock the talents,
gifts and brilliance of
your executives and
employees so they can
achieve profitability
and success for
the company.
Decades of Business Experience
Ready to Help Solve Your Problems

Lidia Young, LSCSW
Executive Coach to Leaders and Executive Teams
A track record of helping executives and leadership teams develop a more healthy and effective culture.
Producing Results That Matter
More Testimonials
I highly recommend Lidia for her skills in swiftly uncovering the root causes of some of the challenges we were facing as we went forward with our merger. Becoming aware of these underlying issues helped us….She helped our managers work better with their teams.
With Lidia’s help our leaders evolved. We are no longer afraid to discuss issues openly among ourselves…Trust among our leaders vastly improved.
Hats off to Lidia for helping us to become a healthy organization…Our company is more invigorated and alive...Our meetings are focused and relevant and our executives are held accountable…And we are experiencing rapid growth.
The Leader is Responsible for the Company Culture.
If you are the leader, you are responsible for the culture of your company. Whether you love your culture or are disappointed in it, you are the key to what is possible in your organization. Formal culture expresses your hopes. It is what it...
C-Level Secrets Interview with Lidia Young Executive Coach & Culture Improvement Strategist
Meet Lidia Young, LSCSW, an Executive Coach & Culture Improvement Strategist with ReThink Leadership Now. Hear her secrets to building a powerful organization by focusing on people. If you or someone you know needs...
How to Retain Millennials? (Know your company’s purpose.)
Are you asking the right questions of your Millennials? Leaders who complain about the difficulty of motivating Millennials may not be asking the right questions. Millennials are inspired by purpose and they want to work for companies and leaders who share similar...